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Sports Massage


Sports Massage is a treatment used on overworked and/or injured muscles. It is not just designed for injuries sustained during sports, but also for those in physically demanding jobs.  Those suffering with pain or discomfort through muscles or joints may require a Sports Massage. Occupational, emotional and postural stress may produce similar pain and characteristics to sports injuries. Using deep pressure, manipulation and stretch we lengthen the muscle fibres to regain strength and elasticity. The treatment can be uncomfortable and cause soreness but it is extremely beneficial in healing muscle tissue.  Damaged tissues or overactive fibres (tight muscles) that are left untreated will calcify and become permanently damaged.

Holistic Relaxation Massage


For the client who is looking for ultimate relaxation with gentle pressure to establish an internal balance through the mind, body and soul.  

Holistic massage is a therapeutic application of touch applying slow flowing movements over the muscles.  Tension will be released and the mind rebalanced.  

The treatment will aid the drainage of toxins and decrease your stress levels. Expect a real sense of relaxation throughout and after the treatment.

Deep Tissue Massage



Deep Tissue Massage is a technique that focuses on the deeper layers of muscle tissue. It aims to release the chronic patterns of tension in the body through slow strokes and deep pressure on the contracted areas, either following or going across the fibre's of the muscles, tendons and fascia. It helps to break up and eliminate scar tissue. Deep tissue massage usually focuses on more specific areas and may cause some soreness during or right after the massage, this is due to the temporary swelling of the muscle tissue which leaves the body after 48 hours. The technique is often used in combination with other massage procedures such as those used in Holistic and Sports Massage.  It is a treatment for those without injury but with severe muscle tension that needs releasing.

Pregnancy Massage



A therapeutic massage on my professionally designed pregnancy cushions enables guests to enjoy the benefits of massage in comfort and safety.  I have supportive cushions for side lying massage and a choice of three other positions to have your treatment.  The aim is to get you as comfortable as possible during a very stressful time for your body.  Natural oils nourish the skin, whilst specialist massage techniques lull you into a state of total relaxation and well-being.  With the use of gentle effleurage strokes the circulation will be increased aiding the removal of any unwanted swelling.  Pregnancy massage will help rebalance the body, stimulate hormone release, relieve tension in the muscles and help calm your baby.

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